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夢想起飛 Inspired to Dream

Winning Stories - 得獎夢想

Congratulations to the winners of "Inspired to Dream" campaign. Please find the list of winners here. Prize redemption details will be advised by our team soon.

We encourage everyone to pursue the dream, while we are flying Inspiration around the world. Please keep following our journey via our Facebook page and our official website.


希望在「香港起飛」進行環球飛行時,大家一同追尋夢想,在追尋夢想的路上,「香港起飛」團隊與您同在。請繼續留意我們的 Facebook 專頁以及官方網頁,以獲取更多有關「香港起飛」環球飛行的資訊。

Grand Prize - 大獎

Invitation to Inspiration’s Departure Ceremony - Winner will be able to witness the departure of Inspiration for the Round-the-World tour and share your dream with us, and Round-Trip tickets to any regional destinations for two, sponsored by Cathay Pacific.

親眼見證「香港起飛」開展環球之旅的一刻; 及國泰航空贊助雙人來回區域航點機票




2nd Prize - 二獎

Visit to ‘Inspiration’ and meet the Inspiration Team, and Round-Trip tickets to any regional locations for one, sponsored by Cathay Pacific.

參觀「香港起飛」並與「香港起飛」團隊見面; 及國泰航空贊助來回區域航點機票乙套



Excellence Award - 優秀獎

1:35 model of ‘Inspiration’, sponsored by Shell

香港蜆殼公司贊助 1:35 「香港起飛」模型

Cedric Cheung

Chan Jor Ming

Chung Ka Wing



Merit Award - 優異獎

A set of two ‘Inspiration’ Remove-Before-Flight key chains


Erica Lee

Hung Hoi-shan Charlotte

Law Wan Chung

Lee To

Ma Hiu Lam

Mak Yuet Yung Jennifer

Raymond Tam

Tong Chun Pong

William Nielsen

Yeung Yik Chun

Grand Prize - 大獎

​Winners' Dreams - 得獎者夢想

​Grand Prize - 大獎 



我的夢想是在香港開一間以「愛。珍惜」為主題咖啡室。香港人工作繁忙,生活節奏緊張,和家人朋友共聚相處的時光成了十分困難的事,他們在生理和心理上出現了不同類型的疾病,所以,我希望開一間以「愛。珍惜」為主題的咖啡室,讓香港人有多一個空間享受和親友伴侶之間的天倫之樂,愛惜關係 ﹔並提供健康的餐單和飲料,希望和香港人一起愛惜自己的身體。


實踐分為三個階段︰「裝備期」、「實習期」及「實戰期」 首先,在「裝備期」,我需要完成至少3個分別有關烹調食物、飲品、創業等短期課程,作自我增值和進修之用。另外,我需要到訪台灣、韓國以及日本等著名的東南亞國家的咖啡店,進行實地考察,和當地的店主、店員和食客交流,了解市場需要,吸收別的咖啡店的可取之處。為期大約半年時間。 在「實習期」,我需要到至少2間本地或海外的咖啡店做兼職店員,親身體驗作店員的工作,感受及觀察咖啡店背後運作。藉此,我相信能夠增強自己在營運自己的咖啡店時的判斷力和作更有效的決策。為期大約三個月。


最後,在「實戰期」,我需要根據過去的實地考察和親身體驗,訂出一份清晰的計劃書,向身邊的家人朋友籌集營運資金。 我衷心希望國泰航空公司能讓我的夢想起行!

2nd Prize - 二獎



2nd prize


Excellence Award - 優秀獎

Excellence Award

Cedric Cheung


I want to become an airline pilot.

Since I decided to become an airline pilot one year ago, my passion has not diminished. Instead, it has grown. I didn't chase my passion. Instead, I became passionate about what I chased. I am absolutely passionate about flying.

Then I made up my mind. I'm going to give it a try. I started doing trial flights. I started learning about aviation through reading and attending classes. I started making friends with the same passion and enthusiasm for flying. Recently I had my first solo in Australia. It’s a milestone in my life.

The more I see and learn, the more fascinated I became, and the more determined I am to pursue a lifelong career as an airline pilot.

No matter how impossible it seems to be, don’t be discouraged. Sticks with it and makes it dream comes true. I hope I can become an airline pilot one day and flying my father, 64 years old, who has never get on board a plane to travel around the world.I want to become an airline pilot.

Since I decided to become an airline pilot one year ago, my passion has not diminished. Instead, it has grown. I didn't chase my passion. Instead, I became passionate about what I chased. I am absolutely passionate about flying.

Then I made up my mind. I'm going to give it a try. I started doing trial flights. I started learning about aviation through reading and attending classes. I started making friends with the same passion and enthusiasm for flying. Recently I had my first solo in Australia. It’s a milestone in my life.

The more I see and learn, the more fascinated I became, and the more determined I am to pursue a lifelong career as an airline pilot.

No matter how impossible it seems to be, don’t be discouraged. Sticks with it and makes it dream comes true. I hope I can become an airline pilot one day and flying my father, 64 years old, who has never get on board a plane to travel around the world.

Chan Jor Ming


年復年這個夢想卻沒有退減,相反因為互聯網的𧩙生令我知道有這個可能,多年前從youtube 觀看一段紀錄片Christian the lion 又令我感到飼養是沒可能,但照顧卻有可能?



Chung Ka Wing

As a 21-year-old ballerina, I am grateful for being able to appreciate ballet and learn this elegant art that allows me to express myself beautifully. Wherever I am doing ballet, I can shine on stage. Unfortunately, not every girl in the world has the chance and capacity for this because of something that they can hardly control such as their family and social background. However, I want to change it. That is why I have a dream to empower less privileged women from different backgrounds through teaching them ballet. I have just started a weekend ballet workshop firstly for domestic helpers in Hong Kong in which I wish to let them realise they can shine in life whenever they want. Until now, two groups of Indonesian domestic helpers are connected with ballet. I wish to continue this in different races, religions and cultures very soon.


在香港要成為一位飛行員,人們大多會考進航空公司成為機師。 普羅大眾如要實現飛行夢,往往要先儲一筆金錢,抽身到外國才有能一嚐駕駛飛機的滋味。要實現飛行夢想需要投放大量金錢和時間成本。 我希望能夠成就更多的飛行夢,在香港或鄰近地區成立滑翔機訓練中心。選擇滑翔機是因為它沒有引擎,飛行時毌須燒耗燃油,費用比動力飛行低廉。同時滑翔機運動看似簡單,其實博大精深。滑翔機沒有引擎,故對飛行員的技術有一定要求。只要飛行員懂得利用天氣ˋ地理條件,便能轉化成對飛行有利的升力。現時滑翔機運動已在歐美等地十分流行,亞洲卻尚未普及。要普及便要先向外界推廣。我現時於英國自費學習滑翔機,志願成為民航機師。盼在工作後能儲起一筆資金,用它與朋友定期到外國的滑翔中心體驗,加深他們對此運動的認識。然後會物色合適的中心合作,定期舉辦以初學者和青少年為對象的暑期滑翔機訓練班,借此籌得一定資金。同時,會與志同道合的朋友繼續定期訓練,以考取教練牌為目標,成為香港首批滑翔機教練。最後我會尋找合適投資者,於香港或鄰近地區購入合適滑翔機升降的土地,購入教練機及牽引飛機。有了這些硬件後,中心便可投入運作,舉辦訓練課程,成就大家的飛行夢。











Merit Award - 優異獎

Merit Award

Erica Lee


To a girl who haven't gone to any countries being a pilot seems a dream only but I love flying and want to connect different stories through aircraft.First,I have studied with others who have a same dream.We have exchanged different aviation ideas that I do not feel lonely.They know I don't have money to buy aviation books and they borrow theirs to me.I am so touched and promise I need to service from my heart.Also,I watch videos of technical aviation which cannot learn from the books. I focus on the flaps moving and the weather that I can know more about how the pilots solve different types of problem.It also raise my passion and ambition on aviation.Although my English is not fluent and hard to understand,I deem practice makes perfect.My greatest judge and enemy is myself.I maybe have many obstacles in my life but my hardwork and determination are the keys of success.My goal is to enable everyone to fly and touch our unlimited sky.

Hung Hoi-shan Charlotte









得悉Captain Hank的環球之旅,親身聽他分享準備、障礙、排除萬難到夢想成真,相信一切發生的事既出乎大家的意料也令香港人印象深刻。


Law Wan Chung


The First International Foodbank

1) Deposit from excess; Withdraw to shortage
I wish to globally transport surplus food to where food’s in shortage.

I also want to be one of the pilots to transport food through airways.

2) The Plan
(A) Study the foodbank organizations
(B) Save money for kick-off funds
(C) Pursue my pilot dream
(D) Make execution plan
(E) Find airlines & pilots as sponsors & partners
(F) Cooperate with the food retails
(G) Connect charities in different countries

Lee To







Ma Hiu Lam


Having been on a service trip to Myanmar to teach English to local children, flashes of their genuinely joyful faces and eagerness to learn still appear in my mind from time to time. There are so many people in this world that we have yet to meet, to talk to, to understand. Us, the ones who are so fortunately born into a place with so many opportunities. I, whom truly believe that it is our responsibility to serve those in need. We must take action on what matters to us; it is only when we act, that we can make a difference.

Mak Yuet Yung Jennifer




大學時,我還沒想到做機師,只是覺得只要語文能力好,就可以環遊世界,打破語言隔膜,因此我主修了翻譯,副修德語,並利用大學提供的機會,每年到不同國家實習和交流。今年,我用工作賺的錢,踏出了重要的一步,就是報讀本地的小型飛機課程,得知在香港要成為機師並非遙不可及後,亦自費到澳洲的一間飛行學校,以Foxbat AP22飛了3個小時,學習內容有effects of control, straight & level flight, climb & descent, 當旁邊的instructor說hand over並讓我take over時,我駕馭著鐵鳥由高空俯瞰地面,那種感覺真的不可思議,這時我終於確認了自己真的很喜歡置身高空飛行的感覺。


Raymond Tam


飛行是每名男孩所夢寐以求的事情, 我當然亦不例外從少看著天上的鐵鳥, 安全地把人送返不同的目的地, 好使家庭及親友可團聚. 在香港, 希望獲得航空公司資助的飛行訓練的人很多, 但每年卻只有數十名幸運兒能被選中, 而我, 卻因明年將步入三十而立之年, 鼓起勇氣, 放下在商業世界上所建立的一切, 再次報考香港兩所航空公司的見習飛行員計劃. 這一切都是源於一本由RANDY PAUSH所撰寫的<<最後一課>>, 蘭迪老師再癌症尾期在大學上給了學生感人的最後一課, 他指出人生應為自己而活, 要好好的去追逐理想, 尋覓理想的路並不容易因為路途上滿是高牆, 但高牆是為了阻擋一些意智不堅定的人, 所以我們應一鼓作氣向著自己的理想進發. 所以, 在過去多年, 我亦不斷報讀坊間不同的航空課程以增加自己對航空業的知識, 除外, 我更自費把自己送上天空中去確認這就是的的未來, 裝備自己, 以便能被航空公司選中去繼續夢想. 我的第一位小孩將會在今年年底出生, 如我有幸被選中追夢, 我的太太及家人亦會支持我追求理想, 因為他們知道, 能飛上天是一年多了不起的事.

Tong Chun Pong






William Nielsen


My dream is to develop a simple method of reducing plastics in the ocean and on our beaches, while at the same time developing an alternative biodegradable plastic which will eventually replace the plastics derived from fossil fuels. As a surfer in Hong Kong, the problem of plastics in the ocean is apparent every single day. I plan to realize this dream by taking a gap year, speaking, working and interacting with professionals on the matter, and attending university for environmental science to build my dream up from there.

Yeung Yik Chun


My dream is achieve zero accident in the sky.

To achieve my dream, I aim at becoming a successful Pilot and Engineer. With my strong academic background, I can apply my knowledge of Mechanical Engineering to achieve my dream. It is unique characteristic if a pilot has the background of Engineering so that he can ensure zero accident every flight.

The dream comes true if I can invent a system which can optimize the Traffic Collision Avoidance System. It is automatic system to control the aircraft after receiving signal emitted from another aircraft approaching you.

I hope that I can develop this system by learning the techniques of control and signalling. After installing it into the aircraft, I can test it and fly the aircraft to show its improvement and reliability.

Its very important to develop safety system like this as there is still accident even if the advanced technology has been adopted.

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