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夢想起飛 Inspired to Dream

Congratulations to the winners of "Inspired to Dream" campaign. Please find the list of winners here. Prize redemption details will be advised by our team soon.

We encourage everyone to pursue the dream, while we are flying Inspiration around the world. Please keep following our journey via our Facebook page and our official website.


希望在「香港起飛」進行環球飛行時,大家一同追尋夢想,在追尋夢想的路上,「香港起飛」團隊與您同在。請繼續留意我們的 Facebook 專頁以及官方網頁,以獲取更多有關「香港起飛」環球飛行的資訊。

Grand Prize - 大獎

Invitation to Inspiration’s Departure Ceremony - Winner will be able to witness the departure of Inspiration for the Round-the-World tour and share your dream with us, and Round-Trip tickets to any regional destinations for two, sponsored by Cathay Pacific.

親眼見證「香港起飛」開展環球之旅的一刻; 及兩套國泰航空贊助來回區域航點機票




2nd Prize - 二獎

Visit to ‘Inspiration’ and meet the Inspiration Team, and Round-Trip tickets to any regional locations for one, sponsored by Cathay Pacific.

參觀「香港起飛」並與「香港起飛」團隊見面; 及兩套國泰航空贊助來回區域航點機票



Excellence Award - 優秀獎

1:35 model of ‘Inspiration’, sponsored by Shell

香港蜆殼公司贊助 1:35 「香港起飛」模型

Cedric Cheung

Chan Jor Ming

Chung Ka Wing



Merit Award - 優異獎

A set of two ‘Inspiration’ Remove-Before-Flight key chains


Erica Lee

Hung Hoi-shan Charlotte

Law Wan Chung

Lee To

Ma Hiu Lam

Mak Yuet Yung Jennifer

Raymond Tam

Tong Chun Pong

William Nielsen

Yeung Yik Chun

© 2016 by Inspiration Team.

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